SOLAR POWERED SECURITY LIGHT - SOLAR SECURITY SYSTEM IN INDIAPosted onDec 22, 2012 | Hits: 1317 | Stock No: #1005
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Interested in adding security light to your house without a wiring? We have the solution just right for your need! Simpy attach our SOLAR SECURITY LIGHT where you want it, then put the panel in a place most likely to receive the most sunlight. Our Solar Powered Security Light has a Motion Sensor Light that automatically comes on when someone gets near it, this can be adjusted along with the time you would like the light to stay on for. This is state of the art solar technology. A brilliant product for lighting up the garden, the driveway and the house. This newly designed product has ultra bright LEDs combined to give off a great light. So what are you waiting for? Think Safety and Contact us! Amenities
Solar Power Plant