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SOLAR WATER HEATER - SOLAR PRODUCTS SUPPLIERS IN INDIAPosted onApr 30, 2014 | Hits: 1980 | Stock No: #1139
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Hot water heated by the sun is used in many ways. While perhaps best known in a residential setting to provide hot domestic water, solar hot water also has industrial applications, e.g. to generate electricity. Designs suitable for hot climates can be much simpler and cheaper, and can be considered an appropriate technology for these places. The global solar thermal market is dominated by India and other countries. In order to heat water using solar energy, a collector, often fastened to a roof or a wall facing the sun, heats working fluid that is either pumped or driven by natural convection (passive system) through it. The collector is made of a simple glass topped insulated box with a flat solar absorber made of sheet metal attached to copper pipes. We have a variety of solar water heater available. Contact us and see our products.