BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - The Renewable Energy Leader One-Stop Solar Shop of Diverse Solar Products & Services like Solar Panel, Solar Street Lights, Solar AC, Solar Fans, Solar Toto Riska, Solar Power Plant Resale, Hot Water System, Solar Water Pumps, Solar Tracker, Wind Turbine. Undertake Solar Plant Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance, Solar Rooftop Designing. BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - Solar Panel Manufacturer, Supplier, OEM, Solar EPC Company India


Posted onFeb 10, 2013 | Hits: 1865 | Stock No: #1143
Country:   India
City:   Ahmedabad
Type of the ad:   Seller


We understand that not all locations have great solar opportunity, so we provide wind powered lighting using our latest technology.  The advantages of wind power lighting are obvious, it's free, abundant, and green. When selecting your wind power or solar / wind combo powered lighting system from us we will examine your location for the appropriate wind turbine and pole selection. You will have the ability to choose from many lighting options such as solid state LED lighting, Metal Halide lighting and Fluorescent lighting options. We manufacture the highest quality, state of the art, wind powered lighting system. Designed to provide years of low maintenance, high-output service with its cost effective engineering design. We want to assist you in designing and choosing the system that fits your application and your budget. Contact us for a detailed examination of our product offering.

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