We are inviting International and National Luminaries, Scientists, Researchers, Industrial Professionals and Academicians in the field of renewable energy to share their vision and experience with BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY. We aim to provide a platform for Researchers, Scientists, Industrial Professionals and Students to exchange and share their innovative ideas and research accomplishments, achievements, and new ideas on the contemporary and emerging trends in Renewable Energy & Solar Power Systems and Applications which will enable them to arrive at new techniques not only to enhance Power & Energy but also work towards sustaining it. We are therefore looking forward to hearing from you to publish new ideas & research in our portal and inviting you to seek investors what can help you out to achieve your dream.
Advanced Training Programme in September - 2014 Day 1 - 0830hrs - 1730hrs 0830 hrs Registration
0930 hrs Introduction to Green Buildings
1045 hrs Tea / Coffee break
1100 hrs Sustainable Architecture & Design
1115 hrs Site Selection & Planning
1230 hrs Energy Efficiency
1330 hrs Lunch
1430 hrs Energy Efficiency - Continued
1530 hrs Tea/ Coffee break
1545 hrs Water Conservation
1630 hrs Building Materials and Resources
1730 hrs Close of Day 1
Day 2– 0930 hrs - 1700 hrs
0930 hrs Indoor Environmental Quality
1030 hrs Tea / Coffee break
1045 hrs Green Building Case Study
1115 hrs Discussion on documentation
1130 hrs Exercises on filling templates by groups
1300 hrs Lunch
1400 hrs Exercises on filling templates continued
1515 hrs Tea/Coffee break
1530 hrs Presentation by groups
1645 hrs Filling-in feedback forms
1700 hrs Close of Day 2
We are inviting all Solar companies, Renewable Energy companies & other professionals worldwide to participate in our upcoming Renewable Energy Conference & Exhibition - 2014 in Delhi by BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY.
Renewable Energy Technology Conference & Exhibition (BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY ) is one of the largest and most Comprehensive Renewable Alternative Energy Technology Exhibition in Delhi, India. It will attract 7,500 attendees and 250 exhibitors with more than 150 organizations and 25-30 media partners. This exhibition will focus on the wind, solar, hydro, ocean, geothermal, biomass, waste, energy, biodiesel, bio-based products, hydrogen and other renewable, green, and sustainable, technologies. Including visitors Architects, Associations, Building Owners, Code Officials, Consulting Firms, Construction & Rigging, Companies, Contractors, Component Manufacturers, Developers, Educators, Engineers, Equipment Manufacturers, Facility Managers, Financial Services Providers, Government Agencies, Green Power Providers, Home Builders, Insurance Firms, Interconnection Companies, Institutional Investors, Investment Banks, Landscape Architects, Law Firms, Nonprofit Organizations, Municipalities, Politicians, Product Manufacturers, Project Developers, Research & Development, Firms, Schools and Universities, Students, Venture Capital Firms.
Exhibitors' Profiles:
Included exhibits winds, solar, hydro, ocean, geothermal, bio-mass, waste, energy, bio-diesel, bio-based products, Cow Dung, Hydrogen & other Renewable Products, Green & Sustainable Technologies, Smart Grid, Transmission, waste to energy, Storage and many more...