BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - The Renewable Energy Leader One-Stop Solar Shop of Diverse Solar Products & Services like Solar Panel, Solar Street Lights, Solar AC, Solar Fans, Solar Toto Riska, Solar Power Plant Resale, Hot Water System, Solar Water Pumps, Solar Tracker, Wind Turbine. Undertake Solar Plant Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance, Solar Rooftop Designing. BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - Solar Panel Manufacturer, Supplier, OEM, Solar EPC Company India


Posted onMar 06, 2013 | Hits: 2128 | Stock No: #1259
Country:   India
City:   Hyderabad
Ad Type:   Buy Solar Energy Products, List of Indian Solar Energy Companies
Type of the ad:   Seller


Our Hybrid Wind-Solar System  can make an ideal alternative in areas where wind velocity of 5 m/s or more is available. Solar-wind power generations are clear and non-polluting. Also they complement each other. During the period of bright sunlight the solar energy is utilized for charging the batteries, creating enough energy reserve to be drawn during night, while the wind turbine produce most of the energy during monsoon when solar power generation is minimum. Thus our hybrid combination uses the best of both means and can provide quality, stable power supply for sustainable development. Our systems are specifically designed to draw DC Voltage or AC power output from the Solar Photovoltaic or  Wind Turbines and combine them to charge the storage batteries. Our  system does require availability of diesel generator, though for much reduced number of hour’s operation. It is also designed to give priority to solar and wind power so that operations of generators can be minimized to the extent possible. 

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