BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - The Renewable Energy Leader One-Stop Solar Shop of Diverse Solar Products & Services like Solar Panel, Solar Street Lights, Solar AC, Solar Fans, Solar Toto Riska, Solar Power Plant Resale, Hot Water System, Solar Water Pumps, Solar Tracker, Wind Turbine. Undertake Solar Plant Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance, Solar Rooftop Designing. BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY - Solar Panel Manufacturer, Supplier, OEM, Solar EPC Company India


Posted onJul 13, 2013 | Hits: 5956 | Stock No: #1347
Country:   India
City:   Kolkata
Region - State:   WEST BENGAL
Solar Energy Companies In India, Wind Energy Companies India:   Water Pumping
Ad Type:   Buy Solar Energy Products, List of Indian Solar Energy Companies
Type of the ad:   Seller


We are, at BHARAT SOLAR ENERGY pleased to inform you that you can now take advantage of the reduced cost of the Solar PV panels and start using Solar Powered Water Pump in your farms. We can offer Solar Water Pumping Systems from 1 hp to 30 hp. Cost of the for 3 Hp Solar Powered Water Pumping system is Rs. 3,50,000/=. Cost of the for 5 Hp Solar Powered Water Pumping system is Rs. 4,50,000/=. If a group of farmers want to purchase Solar Water Pumping Systems at the same time, then we can offer very good discount over the above mentioned prices. This solar powered water pumping system is in position use any type of existing 3 phase AC water pumps already installed either in bore well or in the open well or in canal or river or ponds. Solar Powered Pumping System have following components, 1. Solar Panels 2. Holding structure for the solar panels 3. Pump Controller with Control Panel 4. 3 Phase Ac Pump 5. Wiring / Junction Box / Foundation When compared to diesel generator powered water pumps, the solar powered water pumping systems will be cheaper in long run. In comparison with the Diesel Engine / Generator based water pumping system, the saving of the money, because of avoiding the use of diesel, will recover the cost of the solar system in less than 3 to 5 years period. The grid power tariff to agriculture segment is heavily subsidized. The power supply is staggered and the network performance inefficient in most cases. Moreover, the subsidy burden is increasing due to the increase in conventional power costs thus negatively impacting the financial health of the State and power utilities. Furthermore, there are a large number of agriculture pump-sets that currently use diesel power where there is no grid connection available. As total cost of the solar powered water pumping come down, solar power is well suited as an alternative solution to meet the power requirements of the agriculture segment. Besides being a clean and convenient source of power, solar power can reduce the subsidy burden on the Government. To start with diesel pump-sets could be replaced by solar-powered pump-sets due to favorable cost economics. Contact us now.

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