ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR SYSTEM - Required Solar Engineers in Kolkata
Posted onDec 11, 2012 | Hits: 2075 | Stock No: #0901
Type of the ad:
I Need help, i want to have Roof Mounted Solar project for my house. Here are my requirements :Site plan must be legible, show entire lot, and be to scale. Allowed scale is 1”= 20’minimum. Plans shall include the following: a. Complete legal description: (Parcel # (APN), Lot & Subdivision name, QS #, Zoning) b. North Arrow & Bar Scale c. Lot dimensions d. dentify all streets adjacent to lot e. Identify easements f. Show all ridge lines, and/or parapets g. Identify all vents, chimneys, or other apparatus, including vertical objects that may affect the placement of the solarpanels h. Please make a note on the plan and identify staging area location if heavy equipment (i.e. crane) will be used to install the solar panels. Please contact me and i will show you the roof mounted plan blueprint
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